PRI – GSM Multi-Cell Gateway
3. In the Allocation frame, select the type of Allocation Mode desired
Static allocation: Each B-channels is permanently assigned to a port (GSM module), as they
are aligned in this tab.
Cyclic allocation: As each phone call is made, the next available port (GSM module) is
assigned to the B-channel.
Random allocation: Any available port (GSM module) is assigned to the B-channel.
Allocation By Prefixes: The B-channel of the source call is assigned to a port (GSM module) by
the prefix of the out-going telephone number.
Up to eight groups of prefixes can be allocated. For example, eight different GSM networks,
each with four prefixes, could be used:
i. Enter prefixes, in their desired groups, in the Prefix Table.
ii. In the Prefix Group column, assign each port a group of prefixes (groups 1-8).
After assigning
ports, press
Write Data
to send the port settings to the Multi- Cell unit.