
Virtualization/Control Software, cont’d
Matrix 12800 Switchers • Virtualization/Control Software
Prograing the atrix ofine (eulate ode)
The Virtualization/Control program provides an emulation mode, in which
you can build and save a configuration file off-line, without connection to a
Matrix 12800 system. This file can be programmed into a switcher via the RS-232/
RS-422 port using the Matrix 12800/6400/3200 Virtualization/Control program.
Emulation mode is ideal for creating virtual inputs and outputs, rooms, and presets
in advance of an installation and then downloading them on-site. The emulation
mode can also be used to generate the RS-232 strings needed to program a control
system to the matrix system. Lastly, emulation mode allows you to program a
hardware configuration that differs from the current configuration.
1. On the PC, click Start > Programs > Extron Electronics > Matrix
12800/6400/3200 Control Program to start the program. When prompted
for a port, select Emulate (figure 3-12) and click OK.
Figure 3-12 — Emulate mode selection
2. The program prompts for a source file to open. The file opened serves as a
source from which to restore the settings of an existing configuration (the
source file). Typical choices for this file include Mtrx12800.ini (to edit the last
real-time configuration), Demo12800.mtx (to view some examples), and new.
ini (to start from an empty configuration). Select the desired file and click the
Open button.
This source file is only read by the program, and is not altered as the system
is configured. The file is optional and rather than selecting a file from this
prompt, you can just click the Cancel button.
3. The program prompts for a filename to which to save the results of edits
made in emulation mode (the destination file). This file is required for the
program to start, and it is the file that you will ultimately download to the
matrix switcher. You should assign this file a meaningful name and the .mtx
file extension, such as Job1127.mtx. Click the Save button. If you select a
filename that already exists, the program asks if you want to overwrite the
file. Click the Yes button.
4. The Physical Configuration screen (figure 3-4, on page 3-8) appears. If you
opened a blank startup file, such as new.ini, or if you opened the startup file
for a matrix with a different configuration, you must identify the type and size
of the BMEs in the system. Otherwise, examine this screen to ensure that it
accurately represents your system.
a. If you made changes, click the Take button.
b. Click the Close button.