
Extron • Model 8 PLUS & Model 10 PLUS Switchers • User’s Manual Page 3-2
Command/Response Table
Definitions and Abbreviations: = CR/LF · = space
V = Input channel, T = Video Format, M = Maximum # of inputs, Q = Software version
! = Delimiter character = Indicates end of input selection character string.
Characters also accepted as delimiters are: @ $ &
= V value = (Model 8 = 1 - 8, Model 10 = 1 - 10)
= T value = (1 = RGBS, 2 = RGsB, 3 = Composite, 4 = S-Video)
= (8 if Model 8, 10 if Model 10) = 0.00 - 9.99
ASCII/HEX: 0/30 1/31 2/32 3/33 4/34 5/35 6/36 7/37 8/38 9/39 !/26 E/45 i/69 I/49
M/4D n/6E N/4E Q/51 T/54 V/56
ASCII Response Command
Command to Host Description; etc
i (Same as I Below) Information Request
I V ·T ·M ·Q ( V, T, M and Q defined above)
! V Switch to Channel
n (Same as N Below) Request for Part Number
N Nxx-xxx-xx xx-xxx-xx = Part number
Possible Error Responses
(See Below) E01 Invalid Channel Number
(See Below) E10 Invalid Command Input
Error Code Descriptions
E01 An attempt to select channel 0 or channels higher than the switcher's M value
of 8 or 10 will cause an E01 error response.
E10 The delimiter character must be entered within three seconds of entering the
channel number, otherwise an error type E10 response will be returned to the
Example Commands and Responses
Command Response Description
8! V8 Select input channel 8
10! V10 Select input channel 10
I V2 T4 M8 Q1.23 V2 = Input Channel 2
T4 = S-Video Format
M8 = 8 Inputs (Model 8 PLUS)
Q1.23 = Software Version 1.23
N N60-095-01 Part Number = 60-095-01
Model 8/10 PLUS RS-232 Control