
Import EDID panel
EDID files can be imported to the FOX T UWP 302 and saved in a table on the device.
NOTE: When an EDID file is imported to a user assigned input location, the EDID is
automatically assigned to the selected user input.
Figure 32. Import EDID Panel
1. In the Import EDID panel, from the drop-down list, select the desired input.
Figure 33. Import EDID Options
2. Click on the Browse button to locate and select the desired EDID file on the connected
PC. The Open dialog box opens.
Figure 34. Browse Button for Importing EDID
3. Select the EDID file and click the Open button. The Open dialog box closes.
4. Click the Import button. The EDID is imported and assigned to the selected input.
FOX T UWP 302 Wallplate Transmitter • FOX Extenders Control Program 36