
Mode 1
Activation Hold in the Reset button while applying power to the unit.
Result Returns the unit to the default base firmware that was shipped
with the PC1 from the factory. Event scripting does not start when
the unit is powered on in this mode.
Purpose and notes Use mode 1 to remove a version of firmware if incompatibility
issues arise. All user files and settings are maintained. User web
pages may not work correctly if you are using an earlier firmware
NOTE: After a mode 1 reset, the factory-installed firmware version remains in effect
only until the unit is powered off. After a power cycle, the PC1 returns to the
firmware that was installed prior to the mode 1 reset.
Mode 2
Activation To enter mode 2, you use both the PC1 front panel and your
computer, as follows:
1. On the computer, open a command interface, such as Extron
DataViewer or HyperTerminal.
2. Immediately press the Reset button momentarily (for less than
1 second).
NOTE: Nothing happens if the momentary press does
not occur within 1 second.
3. Within 2 seconds of the momentary press, press the <+>
key on the computer keyboard three times.
Result The RS-232 port is converted to a host port, which allows the use
of SIS commands and host responses.
No LEDs blink to indicate the mode switch. If the switch to mode 2
is successful and serial port communication is enabled, the interface
screen displays one of the following copyright messages:
(c) Copyright 2011, Extron Electronics, IPL T PC1,
Vn.nn, 60-544-nn
(c) Copyright 2011, Extron Electronics, IPL T PC1i,
Vn.nn, 60-544-nn
Purpose and notes By default, the RS-232 port is a device control port. In mode 2, the
serial port is able to receive SIS commands.
NOTE: If you do not enter the three plus (+) signs within 2
seconds of the momentary press of the Reset button,
the RS-232 port reverts to a device control port.
IPL T PC1 • Front Panel Features and Operation 13