Troubleshooting 178
❏ If you are using the USB interface, make sure your cable meets the USB 1.1 or 2.0
❏ If you are connecting the printer to your computer via a USB hub, connect the printer to
the first-tier hub from your computer. If the printer driver is still not recognized on your
computer, try to directly connect the printer to your computer without the USB hub.
❏ If you are connecting the printer to your computer via a USB hub, make sure the USB
hub device is recognized by your computer.
❏ Turn off the printer and the computer, disconnect the printer’s interface cable, then print
an operation check page.
& See “Running a Printer Operation Check (for B-500DN Users)” on page 158.
& See “Running a Printer Operation Check (for B-300 Users)” on page 159.
If the check page prints correctly, make sure the printer driver and your application are
installed correctly.
❏ If you are trying to print a large image, your computer may not have enough memory.
Try reducing the resolution of your image or printing the image at a smaller size. You
may need to install more memory in your computer.
❏ Uninstall the printer driver, then reinstall it.
& See “Uninstalling the Printer Software” on page 17.