An atomizing humidifier spray nozzle mounted at the center of the test duct intake was
used to distribute the organism into the air stream. The application flow rate was 0.45
gallons per hour.
A Field Controls UV-Aire air purifier model UV-18 was mounted onto the center of the
side of the test duct 6 feet from the exit end of the chamber. The lamp is a UVC
germicidal lamp (non ozone producing) 18 inches long with a UV output rating of 73
at 1 meter from the lamp.
An Andersen N6 single stage “bioaerosal” sampler was used to take the air samples and
distribute the sampled air onto agar medium. The test medium was Tryptic Soy Agar
from PathCon, Inc. The air sampling pump airflow rate was 1 CFM.
The Anderson sampler method requires corrections to the actual colony counts on the
plates. This provides a more accurate measure of the bacteria per cubic foot of the
sample air. In the following tables, the Serratia marcescens Positive Hole Count values
are the actual plate counts and the Corrected Particle Count values are corrected value
based on Anderson correction tables.
Test Apparatus
Figure 1