Rosemount Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter with FOUNDATION
Flange Type Flange Type enables you to specify the type of flange on the flowmeter
for later reference. This variable is preset at the factory but can be
changed if necessary.
• ASME B16.5 (ANSI) 150
• ASME B16.5 (ANSI) 300
• ASME B16.5 (ANSI) 600
• ASME B16.5 (ANSI) 900
•PN 10
•PN 16
•PN 40
•PN 64
• PN 100
• JIS 10k
• JIS 20k
• JIS 40k
• Special
Flow Rate Value Flow Rate Value is the actual measured flow rate in the line. On the
bench, the value should be zero. Check the units of the value to make
sure they are configured correctly. The unit configuration is contained
in the AI block.
Shedding Frequency Shedding Frequency measures the frequency of vortex pulses around
the shedder bar.
Sensor Signal Strength Sensor Signal Strength is a variable that indicates the flow signal
strength. This value indicates if there is enough flow signal strength for
the meter to work properly. For accurate flow measurement, the value
should be greater than 4.0. Values greater than 4.0 will allow increased
filtering for noisy applications. Values less than 4.0 may indicate
applications with very low densities and/or applications with excessive
Lowpass Corner The Lowpass Corner filter set s the low-pass corner frequency to
minimize the effects of high frequency noise. It is factory set based on
line size and service type. Adjustments may be required only if there
are problems.
LowFlowCut The Low Flow Cut enables adjustment of the filter for noise at no flow.
It is set at the factory to handle most applications, but certain
applications may require adjustment either to expand measurability or
to reduce noise. It also includes a dead band such that once flow goes
below the cutoff value, output does not return to the normal flow range
until flow goes above the dead band.
Filter Trigger Level Filter Trigger Level is configured to reject noise within the flow
range while allowing normal amplitude variation of the vortex signal.
Signals of amplitude lower than the Filter Trigger Level setting are
filtered out. The factory setting optimizes nose rejection in most