• Check all screws regularly and tighten as required. Check plastic
parts on a regular basis for cracks or broken pieces.
• During snowy or rainy weather, the vehicle should be stored inside
or under a protective cover. Remember to charge the battery at
least once per month while your vehicle is not in regular use.
• An extremely dirty vehicle can be rinsed with a hose but avoid
spraying directly into switches, motors and battery compartment.
Water or moisture in the motors or electrical switches can cause
them to corrode, and could cause switch or motor failure.
• Avoid operating the vehicle on sand. Sand in the motors or
electrical switches can cause them to jam, and could cause switch
or motor failure.
• The vehicle can be wiped down with a soft, dry cloth. For a shiny
finish, you can wipe plastic parts with a non-wax furniture polish
applied to a soft-cloth. Do not use automotive wax.
• To ensure that your vehicle stays in good operating order, we
recommend that you periodically have your vehicle checked by
a Power Wheels
authorized service center. For the location of the
authorized service center nearest you, please visit us on-line at
www.powerwheels.com or call 1-800-348-0751.