
-------- 17 --------
5. Extended Leg Jackknife
This exercise targets the rectus abdominis and,
like the Extended Arm Jackknife, is a little higher
intensity than the Basic Jackknife. Begin in the
same position described in the Basic Jackknife.
Then, straighten both legs, resting the ankles or
calves on the foot rest. Exhale and slowly round
your lower back, pulling your torso forward into a
curl position. As you pull forward, contract your
abdominal muscles inward toward your spine
and pull the bottom of your rib cage down
toward the top of your hip bones. Pause at the
end of the curl movement, then inhale and slow-
ly return to the starting position. Perform five-
second repetitions as described in the Basic
Jackknife. Do not pull with the arms or lift the
legs as you Jackknife. See FIG. 15 & 16.
FIG. 15
FIG. 16
FIG. 11
FIG. 12
4. Extended Arm Jackknife
This exercise targets the rectus abdominis, and is
a little higher intensity than the Basic Jackknife.
Begin in the same position described in the Basic
Jackknife. Then, straighten both arms until the
forearms are behind the Focus Strap. Exhale and
slowly round your lower back, pulling your torso
forward into a curl position. As you pull forward,
contract your abdominal muscles inward toward
your spine and pull the bottom of your rib cage
down toward the top of your hip bones. Pause at
the end of the curl movement, then inhale and
slowly return to the starting position. Perform
five-second repetitions as described in the Basic
Jackknife. Do not lift your legs as you crunch.
See FIG. 13 & 14.
FIG. 13
FIG. 14
3. Jackknife With Leg Lift
This exercise targets the rectus abdominis as well as
the hip flexor muscles of the lifting leg. Begin in the
same position described in the Basic Jackknife. Exhale
and slowly round your lower back, pulling your torso
forward into a curl position. Simultaneously, lift one leg
and pull the knee up and toward the chest. Pause at
one end of the curl movement, then inhale and slowly
return the leg and torso to the starting position. Repeat
the Jackknife, lifting the opposite leg. Alternate legs
with each Jackknife. Perform five-second repetitions as
described in the Basic Jackknife. Do not pull with your
arms as you Jackknife and lift the leg.
See FIG. 11 & 12.