303-06-2 303-06-2Starting System
5. If the diagnostic tool still does not communicate • System passed, retrieve and record the
with the vehicle, refer to the diagnostic tool continuous diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs),
operating manual. erase the continuous DTCs and carry out the
self-test diagnostics for the GEM.
6. Carry out the diagnostic tool data link test. If
the diagnostic tool responds with: 7. If the DTCs retrieved are related to the concern,
go to the Generic Electronic Module (GEM)
• [appropriate communication networks, such
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Index.
as SCP, ISO, UBP, CAN] circuit fault; all
electronic control units no response/not 8. If no DTCs related to the concern are retrieved,
equipped, refer to Section 418-00. GO to Symptom Chart.
• No response/not equipped for generic
electronic module (GEM), refer to Section
Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) — Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Index
DTC Description Source Action
B1213 Anti-Theft Number Of Powertrain Control Module REFER to Section
Programmed Keys Is (PCM) 419-01B.
Below Minimum
B1342 ECU is Defective PCM CLEAR the DTCs.
REPEAT the self-test. If
DTC B1342 is retrieved
again, INSTALL a PCM.
REFER to Section 303-14.
REPEAT the self-test.
B1600 Passive Anti-Theft System PCM REFER to Section
(PATS) Key Transponder 419-01B.
Is Not Received —
Damaged Key Or
Non-PATS Key
B1601 PATS Received Incorrect PCM REFER to Section
Key-Code From Key 419-01B.
(Unprogrammed PATS
B1602 or B2431 PATS Received Invalid PCM REFER to Section
Format Of Key-Code From 419-01B.
Key Transponder (Partial
Key Read)
B1681 PATS Transceiver Module PCM REFER to Section
Signal Is Not Received 419-01B.
(Damaged, Not Connected
Or Damaged Wiring)
B2103 Internal Transceiver PCM REFER to Section
Antenna Damaged 419-01B.
P1260 PCM Disabled — Vehicle PCM REPAIR the PCM. REFER
Disabled to the Powertrain
Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual.
2005 Mustang, 12/2004