4.6 Studying with EuroTalk
The below instructions apply to all modules of EuroTalk: Talk More, Talk
the Talk and Talk Business.
Creating User Names
1. In the Learn menu, press / to select Talk More, Talk the Talk
or Talk Business and then press
2. Press ADD and then create a user name.
• PressF1 to change the input language.
• Ifnousernameshavebeencreated,youarepromptedtocreateone
without pressing ADD.
3. Press
when done.
4. Press / to select the language to learn and then press
5. Press / to select your own language and then press
• Itisthelanguageyouuseforscreenmessagesandinstructionsfor
learning the target language.
• Anewusernameisnowcreated.Maximum10usernamescanbe
created for each module.
• Note: Once created, the user’s prole (source and target languages)
cannot be changed. If you have made a mistake, delete the user
name with mistake and create a new one again with the correct
prole. To rename a user name, press EDIT. To delete a user name,
press / to select the user name in the user selection screen and
then press DELETE.