3.8 Franklin Thesaurus
1. In the Books menu, press / to
select “Franklin Thesaurus” and
then press OK/ .
2. Type a word.
• See 3.17 Hints on Inputting Words.
• Witheachletteryoutype,the
resulting list of potential matching
entries is refreshed. If the letters you
typed match an entry in the word list,
it is automatically highlighted. Or,
press / to select another word
entry you see in the word list.
• Whenanentryishighlightedfor
about 3 seconds, its preview will
show automatically on the right.
3. Press OK / to view the entry.
• Press to hear the headword
• PressF1 [DICT] to look up the current
word in W-M’s Advanced Learner’s
English Dictionary. Press to return
to the Thesaurus.
4. Type to start a new search.
3.9 Looking Up
Use this feature to look up inections
or conjugations that show changes in
a word’s gender, tense, number, person
and other subtle variations. If you are
looking up the inections from the
dictionaries by pressing [Inec.], see step
4 below.
1. In the Books menu, press / to
select “English Conjugation” or
“Spanish Conjugation” and then
press OK / .
2. Type a word.
• Forexample,youlookforthe
conjugations of the verb “record” in
English Conjugation.
• See 3.16 Hints on Inputting Words.
• Press F1 [
] to look up the word
in the Collins Spanish-English or
English-Spanish Dictionary. Press
to return to looking up inections.
3. Press OK / to look up inections/