the clue. To see another answer, press the down arrow key. Whenever
you see a blinking down arrow at the far right of the screen, you can press
the down arrow key to see more words.
NOTE: If you should happen to enter an incorrectly typed word, Cross-
words will return words which are close to the misspelling. However, the
word list in Crosswords was created for use as a game aid. We do
ommend its use as a general purpose spell-checking device.
Crossword puzzles don’t count blanks or punctuation when fitting a word
into the spaces provided, so the version of Matchmaker included in Cross-
words is specially tuned to account for this. For instance, suppose the clue
is “may or may not be a strike”, and the mystery word is eight letters long.
You’ve filled in a few letters and your puzzle looks like this:
_ O _ L _ A _ L
Type ?O?L?A?L.
Press and the screen below appears:
Notice that this term is presented with a blank space in it — but since that
blank space doesn’t get a box to itself in the puzzle, you don’t use an extra
“?” for it and the word still counts as eight letters long.
Using Matchmaker for Other Word Games
Matchmaker is Franklin’s exclusive pattern-matching capability. We al-
ready introduced you to the “Letter Detective” character “?”. Now we’d like
to show you how to use the other Matchmaker character which we call the
Fragment Finder, “
✱”. The Fragment Finder character represents zero or
more letters.
Fragment Finder can be especially useful when playing Scrabble.
Suppose the word “act” is already on the board, and near the beginning
or end of the word is a triple-word-score square you’d like to hit. You want