This product has a databank that can save approxi-
mately 100 names and phone numbers. The total
number of records you can save depends on the
number of characters in each record.
To Add a Record
1. Press .
2. Use if necessary to see New Entry and
press ENTER.
3. Type a name and press ENTER.
Only capital letters will be entered. Each name can
contain up to 30 characters, including spaces.
To delete a character, press BACK. To insert a
space, press .
To type a period, a hyphen or an apostrophe,
press and then press repeatedly until the
character you want appears.
4. Type a phone number and press ENTER to
store the record.
To type a hyphen, press and then press
repeatedly until the hyphen is displayed.
You cannot type letters in the phone number field.
Using the Databank
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