
Hangman challenges you to guess a
mystery word, indicated by ?’s, one
letter at a time. The number of guesses
you can make appears to right of the
#’s. For a hint hold CAP and press
Or press
to end the round. Note:
If you ask for a hint, you will lose the
round. Press SPACE to start a new
round. Press ENTER to view the defi-
nition of the word. Press BACK to exit
a game and view the games list.
Anagrams challenges you to find all of
the words that can occur within a se-
lected word. Each letter can only be
used as many times as it appears in
the selected word. Each anagram must
be a specified minimum length. This
will flash on the screen before each
game. The number of possible ana-
grams is shown on the right side of
the screen.
Playing the Games Playing the Games
Type an anagram and then press EN-
TER. Use the arrows to view anagrams
you’ve already entered. Hold CAP and
to shuffle the letters in the
selected word. Press
to end a
round and reveal the remaining ana-
grams. Highlight a word, and then
press ENTER to see its dictionary defi-
nition. Press BACK to exit Anagrams.
Word Train
All aboard the Word Train spelling
game! You and the train take turns typ-
ing letters to form a word. Whoever
types the last letter wins. To view the
letters you can type at your turn, hold
CAP and press
. Or press
end a round and reveal the word. Press
ENTER to view the dictionary defini-
tion of the word.