Selecting a Skill Level
At the skill level selection screen, you can
select the diculty of game words. You can
choose Beginner, Advanced or Master.
1. Press the skill level you want.
Viewing Spelling Bee Help
You can view on-screen instructions to help
you play the Spelling Bee games. In all three
versions, these instructions are available
where the skill level can be selected.
1. Press HELP.
2. Read the text.
Press NEXT to continue reading the
Press PREVIOUS to return to a previous
3. Press CLOSE when you are nished.
Viewing Your High Scores
You can view your ve best scores in any
version of Spelling Bee.
In Practice, you see the player’s name, the
elapsed time and the number of errors.
In Game Show and Competition, you see the
player’s name, the latest round reached, the
player’s score and elapsed time.
1. CLEAR SCORES is highlighted at the
bottom of the screen. Press it to erase all
saved scores.
2. Press CLOSE when you are nished.
Using Spelling Bee Tools
of Spelling Bee in your device contains a
selection of tools to help you spell a word.
After a game word is pronounced, these
options are displayed at the bottom of the
Sentence displays the game word in a
sentence, where “~” represents the game
Denition displays a denition of the game
Repeat pronounces the game word again.
Origin displays information about the
origin of the game word.
2. Type the game word.
3. Press ENTER to continue the game.
Playing Practice
Select Practice to hone your spelling skills
and get a feel for how the game works. In
each practice round, you are asked to spell 15
words correctly three times each.
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Press the arrow icons to cycle through
the options until Practice is displayed.
3. Press the Practice option to begin.
The character selection screen is displayed.
Note: To end the game at any time and
return to the main menu, press the MENU
4. Select a character.
Select an avatar and type a name. Please
see “Selecting a Character” for more
5. Select a skill level.
Select a skill level. Please see “Selecting
a Skill Level” for more information. Note:
Selecting a skill level automatically
advances you to begin the game.
You can also select HELP to read
instructions about the Spelling Bee games.
Please see “Using On Screen Help” for more
Select HIGH SCORES to view the best
scores of your practice rounds. Please
see “Viewing High Scores” for more
Select CANCEL to return to your previous
6. Press GO to begin the practice round.
Before you begin, press SHOW WORD
to activate the option of displaying the
game word as it is pronounced. Please see
“Using the Show Word Option” for more
The rst word is pronounced and the
denition for the word is displayed on the
7. Type the word you just heard.
Use the back arrow to delete the letter to
the left of the cursor.
If you are having trouble spelling a word,
some tools are available to help you. You
can have the word repeated or used in a
sentence. You can see the word’s denition
or origins. Please see “Using Spelling Bee
Tools” for more information.
At any time while spelling a word, press
RESULT to see your results so far. Press the
results panel to close it.
In Practice there are additional hints
available to help you spell game words.
Press HINT to access the hints. Press the
hint you want to see. Please see “Hints” for
more information.
8. When you are satised with your
answer, press ENTER.
If your answer is correct, a green dot is
lled in on the chart on the left side of the
screen. This chart keeps track of how many
times you’ve spelled each of your practice
words correctly. If your answer is incorrect,
the dot is colored red. Remember to
complete the practice round, each word
must be spelled correctly three times.
9. Go is highlighted at the bottom of the
screen. Press it to see the next word.
10. Continue spelling words until you’ve
completed the practice round.
When the practice round is over, you are
shown your number of errors and how
long it took to complete the round. If it is
one of your best eorts, it is automatically
saved among your high scores.
11. Press OK to continue.
Using the ✓ Show Word Option
The Show Word option in a practice round
displays the game word on the screen for
a few seconds as it is pronounced. You
can turn this mode on before the practice
round begins or between each word.
Note: This option, when turned on, only
displays the next word. You must turn it on
for each word you want to display.
When this option is displayed, it appears
next to Go. Press SHOW WORD to turn the
option on. Then press GO to continue. To
turn the option o, press it again.
Using Hints ✓
While you play Practice, ve hints are
available to help you spell game words.
Each hint can be used only one time
during the course of a word. Note: A sixth
hint, Pass, is displayed, but disabled during
Press HINT to display the Hints menu and
then press the option you want. Press
BACK to close the Hints menu without
selecting a hint.
Uniques displays all the correct letters in a
word, but jumbled in a random order.
1st Letters displays the rst letter of the
Consonants displays all the consonants of
the word, in the order they appear.
Vowels displays all the vowels of the word,
in the order they appear.
Word Choice displays a list of three words,
where only one of the words is the correct
Playing Game Show
Game Show is a one player game where
you can earn money by quickly spelling
progressively more dicult words. Each word
has a unique dollar amount, which increases
with the diculty of the words. Additional
money can be awarded based on how quickly
you spell each word.
In a standard game, you have ten regular
rounds with a speed round after each regular
At the Beginner skill level, if you complete
the rst ten regular rounds, you advance to
the Advanced skill level. After 10 rounds at
the Advanced skill level, you continue to the
Master skill level. The game continues at the
Master skill level until the game is over.
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Press the arrow icons to cycle through
the options until Game Show is
3. Press the Game Show option to begin.
The character selection screen is displayed.
Note: To end the game at any time and
return to the main menu, press the MENU
4. Select a character.
Select an avatar and type a name. Please
see “Selecting a Character” for more
5. Select a skill level.
Select a skill level. Please see “Selecting
a Skill Level” for more information. Note:
Selecting a skill level automatically
advances you to begin the game.
You can also select HELP to read
instructions about the Spelling Bee games.
Please see “Using On Screen Help” for more
Select HIGH SCORES to view the best
scores of your game shows. Please
see “Viewing High Scores” for more
Select CANCEL to return to your previous
6. Press GO to begin the game.
The rst word is pronounced.