You can also type the first letter of a city to go directly to that part of the list.
You can set the time at any city. This then sets the time at every city, so be careful.
You’ll want to set the time at the city closest to your home, or a city within your time
zone. For example, go to New York • USA.
When you reach the city you want, press PG DOWN to move to the Daylight Saving
Time field. Press or totoggleDaylightSavingTimeonoroff.“DST:OFF”is
displayed when Daylight Saving Time is turned off.
6. Typethecurrenttimeattheselectedcity.
all 4 digits are required. For example, type 0800for“8:00AM”.
to erase any typed numbers.
7. PressPGDOWNtogobacktoCity2,andpressor to select a target city.
You can also type the first letter of a city to go directly to that part of the list.
For example, find London • UK. Notice how the time is adjusted automatically, so that
Using the Currency Converter
Your device can save exchange rates for 8 different currencies as converted against U.S.
dollars (USD). You can convert euro (EURO), Great British pound (GBP), Chinese ren min bi
(RMB), Japanese yen (JPY), Korean won (KRW), Thai baht (THB), Canadian dollars (CAD),
and Australian dollars (AUD). You can convert to and from these currencies compared to
U.S. dollars.
1. Press MENU to go to the Books menu.
2. PressTOOLS(F4)togototheToolsmenu.Oryoucanuse or .
TDC-500 (T-2911-TDC) English manual TLT-28003-00 Rev A.indd 27 2010-7-5 11:31:56