A13x6.3B / S13x4.6B RM/ERM*
Fujinon’s Professional grade lenses offer high optical quality and a
range of focal lengths for every professional production application.
Wide-angle lenses have become increasingly popular for profes-
sional videographers and Fujinon’s 13x series has set the pace with
the widest angle of 6.3mm (2/3”). The optional 2x-range extender
adds additional versatility with a maximum focal length of 164mm.
The 20x series features the longest focal
length and is available with optional
2x-range extender for telephoto shots.
LENS A13x6.3B RM/ERM* S13x4.6B RM/ERM*
Zoom Ratio / Format 13X / 2/3" 13X / 1/2"
Focal Length 6.3 to 82 mm 4.6 to 60 mm
(2X) 12.6 to 164 mm (2X) 9.2 to 120 mm
Maximum Relative F2 (to 61 mm) F1.5 (to 45 mm)
Aperture F2.7 (at 82 mm) F2.0 (at 60 mm)
Angular Field
6.3 mm 69°52’ x 55°18’ 4.6 mm 69° 39’ x 55° 06’
of View
82 mm 6° 09’ x 4° 37’ 60 mm 6° 06’x 4° 35’
(Hor. x Vert. in °)
(2X) 12.6 mm 38° 30’ x 29° 21’ (2X) 9.2 mm 38° 21’x 29° 15’
164 mm 3° 04’ x 2° 18’ 120 mm 3° 03’ x 2° 17’
M.O.D. from Image Plane
0.4 m 0.4 m
Object Area
6.3 mm 617mm x 463mm 4.6 mm 633mm x 475mm
at M.O.D
82 mm 47mm x 36mm 60 mm 49mm x 37mm
(2X) 12.6 mm 309mm x 231mm (2X) 9.2 mm 315mm x 236mm
164 mm 24mm x 18mm 120 mm 24mm x 18mm
Filter Size (on Barrel) ø 82 mm P=0.75 ø 82 mm P=0.75
Weight 1.68 kg 1.68 kg
1.78 kg 1.78 kg
Features Inner Focus Inner Focus
A17x9B / S17x6.6B RM
LENS A17x9B RM S17x6.6B RM
Zoom Ratio / Format 17X / 2/3" 17X / 1/2"
Focal Length 9 to 155 mm 6.6 to 114 mm
Maximum Relative F1.9 (to 115 mm) F1.5 (to 90 mm)
Aperture F2.6 (at 155 mm) F1.9 (at 114 mm)
Angular Field of View
9mm 52° 06’ x 40° 16’ 6.6mm 51° 44’ x 39° 58’
(Hor. x Vert. in °)
155mm 3° 15’ x 2° 26’ 114mm 3° 13’ x 2° 25’
M.O.D. from Image Plane
0.9m 0.9m
Object Area
(at Wide)
9mm 815mm x 611mm 6.6mm 808mm x 606mm
at M.O.D (at Tele)
155mm 47mm x 36mm 114mm 47mm x 35mm
Filter Size (on Barrel) ø 82 mm P=0.75 ø 82 mm P=0.75
Weight w/o hood 1.25 kg 1.25 kg
Features Inner Focus Inner Focus
A20x8.6B / S20x6.4B RM/ERM*
LENS A20x8.6B RM/ERM* S20x6.4B RM/ERM*
Zoom Ratio / Format 20X / 2/3" 20X / 1/2"
Focal Length 8.6 to 172 mm 6.4 to 128 mm
(2X) 17.2 to 344 mm (2X) 12.8 to 256 mm
Maximum Relative F1.8 (to 115 mm) F1.4 (to 90 mm)
Aperture F2.7 (at 172 mm) F2.0 (at 128 mm)
Angular Field
8.6 mm 54° 11’ x 41° 59’ 6.4 mm 53° 08’ x 41° 07’
of View
172 mm 2° 56’ x 2° 12’ 128 mm 2° 52’x 2° 09’
(Hor. x Vert. in °)
(2X) 17.2 mm 28° 42’ x 21° 43’ (2X) 12.8 mm 28°04’x 21° 14’
344 mm 1° 28’ x 1° 06’ 256 mm 1° 26’ x 1° 04’
M.O.D. from Image Plane
0.9 m 0.9 m
Object Area
8.6 mm 866mm x 650mm 6.4 mm 846mm x 635mm
at M.O.D
172 mm 43mm x 33mm 128 mm 42mm x 32mm
(2X) 17.2 mm433mm x 325mm (2X) 12.8 mm 423mm x 317mm
344 mm 21mm x 16mm 256 mm 21mm x 16mm
Filter Size ø 82 mm P=0.75 ø 82 mm P=0.75
Weight 1.4 kg 1.4 kg
1.5 kg 1.5 kg
Features Inner Focus Inner Focus
*ERM version with extender
Accessories for above lenses shown on pages 31 & 33.
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
*ERM version with extender
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