190-00228-08 GPS 16x Technical Specifications Rev. A
Page 7
2.1 GPS 16x PINOUT
The GPS 16xLVS and GPS 16xHVS sensors utilize an 8-pin RJ-45 plug. The following is a functional description
of each wire in the cable assembly.
1 Red POWER GPS 16xLVS: Regulated +3.3 to +6 Vdc. Typical operating current is 80 mA.
An internal 6.67 Vdc transient zener diode and a positive temperature coefficient
resistor protect from transients and over-voltages. With voltages greater than 6.8
Vdc the zener will draw several amps of current through the resistor, causing it to
heat rapidly and eventually power the unit off, unless an external fuse blows first.
When proper supply voltages are returned, the resistor will cool and allow the
GPS 16xLVS to operate.
GPS 16xHVS: Vin can be an unregulated 8.0 Vdc to 40 Vdc, optimized for 12
Vdc. Typical operating power is 780 mW. This voltage drives a switching
regulator with a nominal 5.0 Vdc output, which powers an internal linear
regulator, producing the system Vcc.
2 Black GROUND Power and Signal Ground
3 Yellow REMOTE
External Power Control Input. Active (ON) if less than 0.3 Vdc. Inactive (OFF) if
open-circuit. Pulling this pin to ground enables the unit; leaving the pin open-
circuited powers the internal regulators off and drops the supply current to less
than 1 mA. This input is intended to be driven by an open-collector output.
4 Blue PORT 1
First Serial Asynchronous Input. RS-232 compatible with maximum input
voltage range -25 < Vdc < 25. This input may also be directly connected to
standard 3 to 5 Vdc CMOS logic. The low signal voltage requirement is <0.6 V,
and the high signal voltage requirement is >2.4 Vdc. Input impedance is between
3.0 and 7.0 kΩ. This input may be used to receive serial initialization/
configuration data as specified in
section 4.1 Received NMES 0183 Sentences.
5 White PORT 1
First Serial Asynchronous Output. This RS-232 compatible output normally
provides serial data which is formatted per NMEA 0183, Version 3.0. The NMEA
0183 baud rate is switchable in the range of 4800 to 38400 baud. The default
baud rate is 4800.
6 Gray PPS One-Pulse-Per-Second Output. Typical voltage rise and fall times are 300 ns.
Impedance is 150 Ω. Open circuit output voltage is low = 0 Vdc and high = Vin
in the GPS 16xLVS, and low = 0 Vdc and high = 5.0 Vdc in the GPS 16xHVS
and GPS 17HVS. The default format is a 100 ms wide active-high pulse at a 1 Hz
rate; the pulse width is configurable in 20 ms increments. Rising edge is
synchronized to the start of each GPS second. This output provides between 800
mVp-p to 1.7 Vp-p for GPS 16xLVS and 1.4 Vp-p for the GPS 16xHVS and
17HVS into a 50 Ω load. The pulse time measured at the 50% voltage point will
be about 50 ns earlier with a 50 Ω load than with no load.
7 Green PORT 2
Second Serial Asynchronous Input, electrically identical to PORT 1 DATA IN.
This input may be used to receive serial differential GPS data formatted per
RTCM SC-104 Recommended Standards For Differential Navstar GPS Service,
Version 2.2 (see
section 4.5 Received RTCM Data for details).
8 Violet PORT 2
Second Serial Asynchronous Output, electrically identical to PORT 1 DATA
OUT. Reserved for future use.
Table 1: GPS 16x Wire Pinout