2008/2108 Owner’s Manual 25
Co n f i g U r i n g T h e Un i T
Co n f i G U r i n G T h e Un i T
Conguring System Settings
To change general system settings, from the Home
screen, select Congure > System.
Simulator—turn Simulator Mode on or off and set
Simulator Mode options. (If you set the unit into a
setup, this setting will be named Demo.)
Language—select the on-screen language.
Beeper/Display—select Beeper to set when the unit
makes audible sounds. The three settings are Off,
Alarms Only (default), and On (keys and alarms).
Select DisplaytoswitchbetweenDayorNightmodes
and brighten or darken the backlight.
GPS—view GPS satellites, turn WAAS/EGNOS on
or off, and initialize the GPS receiver.
System Information—view system information and
restore factory settings.
Event Log—shows a list of system events.
Overlay Numbers—set the styles for Wind and Next
Turn numbers.
Changing Units of Measure
To change units of measure, from the Home screen,
select Congure > Units.
System Units—this is a quick global setting that
below at once. Statute (mh, ft, ºF), Metric (kh, m,
ºC), or Nautical (kt, ft, ºF).
Depth—individually set the units of measure for depth
to Feet (ft), Fathoms (fa), or Meters (m).
Temperature—individually set units of measure for
temperature to Fahrenheit (ºF) or Celsius (ºC).
NOTE: You must be receiving NMEA Sonar depth
data or using a Garmin sounder module to view
depth and temperature information.
Dist, Spd, Elev—individually set the units of measure
for distance, speed, and elevation readings.
Heading—set the reference used in calculating
heading information.
Position—change the coordinate system in which a