Page 6-11
640t – Installation and Operating Instructions
Testing the Web
After webbing the machine, it is important that the
lms run straight and evenly.
To test the web:
Set the roller pressure handle to an appropriate 1.
Press 2. RUN or the foot switch and run
approximately 6 in. (10 cm) of laminate.
Press 3. STOP or release the foot switch.
Visually inspect the top and bottom films where 4.
they enter the nip.
The films should be tight against the rollers
at both ends. If they are not, use the tension
adjustment knobs to tighten the loose supply film
brake and run another test.
Ensure that the release liner take-up is keeping 5.
the liner tight against the idler bar.
Use the upper film supply tension knob to
properly tension the release liner.
Run test materials before laminating good 6.
cl e a r i n g a fi l m Ja m (Wr a p -u p )
Film jams (wrap-ups) may occur if the lm is loaded
backwards or if the area at which lm exits the
equipment is blocked. The lm, when jammed, wraps
around the rollers. Jams also occur if something is
too large to pass through the rollers.
Determine the best course of action to clear the
jam. It may be necessary to rotate the rollers in the
reverse direction. Set the speed to min. Press and
hold REVERSE on the control panel.
CAUTION: Be careful to not cut the pressure rollers
when cutting the lm. Failure to observe this notice
can result in damage to the rollers.
To clear a jam:
Immediately press 1. STOP to stop the machine.
Remove the print clamp and feed tray.2.
Do one of the following.3.
Pull one of the webs while running the a.
laminator in reverse.
Cut the film near the rollers, set the b.
pressure adjustment to 1/2”, and pull the
film out the back of the machine.
Cut the film near the rollers, set the c.
pressure adjustment to 1/2”, grasp the
loose ends of the web, and pull straight out
the front of the machine.
Replace the feed tray and print clamp. See 4.
“Removing and Installing the Feed Table” on
page 6-3 and “Removing and Installing the Print
Clamp” on page 6-3.
Re-load the film if necessary. See5.
“Loading Film”
on page 6-2