Table of Contents
EquipmEnt ApprovAl
informAtion ..................2
intErfErEncE informAtion ...4
HEAring Aid compAtibility
(HAc) ...........................5
introduction .....................7
bEforE you bEgin ..............8
Parts CheCklist ..................8
telePhone JaCk
instAllAtion ......................9
imPortant installation
Guidelines ........................9
bAsE lAyout .................... 10
instAlling tHE pHonE ....... 11
ConneCtinG the telePhone
line ................................11
installinG the Wall
mountinG BraCket ......12
tElEpHonE opErAtion ...... 13
sPeakerPhone ...................13
PlaCinG a Call .................14
handset .......................14
sPeakerPhone ..............14
ansWerinG a Call .......14
audio Boost ................14
handset .......................14
sPeakerPhone ..............15
Volume ..............................15
Flash .................................15
redial ................................ 16
memory .............................16
storinG a numBer in
memory ......................... 16
addinG a Pause to the
dialinG sequenCe ........17
ChanGinG a
stored numBer ............17
dialinG a numBer From
memory ......................... 17
dialinG the emerGenCy
quiCk dial numBers ...17
Chain dialinG From
memory ......................... 18
troublEsHooting guidE ... 18
gEnErAl product cArE ... 20
sErvicE............................ 21
limitEd WArrAnty ........... 22
indEx .............................. 26