0150-0193G 44 DVMRe Triplex
q Main Menu → Alarms → Link To A Macro
Use this menu to link an alarm input to a macro. If a link is created,
a macro will run each time that alarm is activated.
Alarm: Select the alarm input you would like to link.
Macro: Select the macro number you wish to link to. Leave this
setting blank if you do not wish to link to a macro.
Rotate the Jog to navigate, and the Shuttle to change
the values.
Save changes and exit the menu: Select [OK], then press the
Enter button.
Exit the menu without making changes: Press the Menu
button, or select [CANCEL], then press the Enter button.
q Main Menu → Alarms → Fullscreen Alarm
Selecting Yes from this menu will cause the unit to always display
the alarm camera fullscreen.
Selecting No from this menu will cause the unit to display the 4-way
display configured in the Main Menu → Alarms → Alarm Action
Setup menu.
This menu selection is not available on 4-channel DVMRe Triplex units, since Fullscreen Alarm Mode is
the only alarm mode available.
q Main Menu → Alarms → Relay Configuration
Use this menu to configure each relay output as either:
• Normally Open
• Normally Closed
q Main Menu → Alarms → Buzzer Setup
Use this menu to configure the internal buzzer.
Global Buzzer: The Global Buzzer setting acts as a master On/Off
switch. Setting the Global Buzzer to OFF deactivates all buzzer
Live Alarm Buzzer: Activates while receiving alarm input.
Videoloss Buzzer: Activates when video loss is detected.
Disabling the Videoloss buzzer disables all videoloss buzzer activity.
Videoloss buzzers may be disabled on a per camera basis in the
Alarms → Videoloss Action menu.
Playback Buzzer: Activates during playback of recorded alarms.
Relay Configuration
Relay 01:
Relay 02: N/CLOSED
Global Buzzer :
Live Alarm Buzzer: ON
Videoloss Buzzer : ON
Playback Buzzer : ON