
Appears ChIReadout:
Probe has been forgotten when Auto Roast or
TempCook functions are being used.
Probe is not securely seated in oven wall recep-
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The readout panel displays five 8’sand 18 POWER
on the upper portion and all of the oven functions
on the lower portion. After 15 seconds, all lights
disappearand “RESET” comeson in the upper por-
tion. Touch the CLEAR/C)FFpad and oven is ready
for use.
[f power is disrupted at any time, the above
sequence reoccurs, and you must reset CLOCK
after touching CLEAR/OFF.
Manual Defrost,Gentle, more uniform thawing at
automaticPowerLevel3,or changepower levelafter
entering time. (Seepage 9,)
iloid/Tirner, This feature uses no microwave
energy while it functions as both a kitchen timer or
as a holding period between defrost and time or
temperaturecooking. (Seepage
NumberPads. Touch these pads to enter Time,
Temperature,Pow@rLevel,Automatic Cooking Code
numbers or Auto D?frost food weight,
Start. Must touch this pad for oven to begin any
Min f%f. Use with number pads to enter whole
Clear/Off.When touched, it stops the oven and er-
asesall settingsexcept time of day.
Auto Roast. Insert probe, touch this pad, and
desired number pad for Code to slow-cook or tem-
perature cook meatwith automatic presetprogram.
(Seepages 14and 15.)
AutoDefrost,Touch this pad, then Code number,
food weight and the ovenautomatically sets Power
Levelsand defrosting time, (Seepage 16,)
Cooking appliances installed under the oven might,
under some heavyusage conditions, causetemper-
atures high enough to overheat someinternal parts
of the microwaveoven.
To prevent overheating from taking place, the vent
fan is designed to automatically turn on at !a”w
speed if excessivetemperatures occur, Should this
happen,the fan cannot be manuallyturned off, but
it will automaticallyturn off when the internal parts
have cooled, The fan may stay on up to approx-
imately 30 minutes after the range and microwave
ovencontrols havebeen turned off.