Change during operation: N = impossible, Y* = possible (enabled by using ),
= possible (enabled by using
Operation method
The following four values can be selected:
0 Keypad operation [ RUN STOP key]
The motor runs when the RUN key is pressed and decelerates-to-stop when the STOP key is
pressed. The rotation direction depends on the FWD and REV terminals as follows:
FWD - CM short-circuited: Forward
REV - CM short-circuited: Reverse
Operation is impossible when both the FWD and REV terminals or none of them are short-circuited
with the CM terminal.
External signal (Digital input) (FWD, REV)
Forward operation with FWD-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
Reverse operation with REV-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
No operation with both FWD-CM and REV - CM short-circuited
STOP key active (See following page chart for detail)
External signal (Digital input) (FWD, REV)
Forward operation with FWD-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
Reverse operation with REV-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
No operation with both FWD-CM and REV - CM short-circuited
STOP key inactive (See following page chart for detail)
External signal (Digital input) (FWD, REV)
Forward operation with FWD-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
Reverse operation with REV-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
No operation with both FWD-CM and REV - CM short-circuited
STOP key active with GE start software (See following page chart for detail)
External signal (Digital input) (FWD, REV)
Forward operation with FWD-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
Reverse operation with REV-CM short-circuited and deceleration to stop with them open
No operation with both FWD-CM and REV - CM short-circuited
STOP key inactive with GE start software (See following page chart for detail)
Note: This function can be changed only while the FWD and REV terminals are open.