ToReducetheRiskof Injury
● Neverreachintothe dryer whilethe drum is
Before loading,unloadingor adding
clothes,wait untilthe drum has completely
● Donot dry fiberglassarticlesin your dryer.
Skin irritationcould resultfrom the remaining
glass particlesthat may be picked up by clothing
during subsequentdryer uses.
● Closesupervisionis necessaryifthis appliance
is usedbyor near children.Donotallow
childrento playinside,on,or withthis
applianceor anydiscardedappliance.Dispose
ofdiscardedappliancesand shippingor
dryer,or removingfromservice,removethe
door ofthe dryer compartment.
*Keepalllaundry aids (suchas detergents,
bleaches,fabric softeners,etc.)out ofthe reach
preferablyin a lockedcabinet.
Observeall warningson containerlabelsto avoid
● Keepthe flooraround your appliancecleanand
dry to reducethe possibilityofslipping.
● Neverclimbon or stand on the dryer top.
cIf thisis a gasdryer,it has an automaticelectric
ignition,nota pilotlight.DONOTATTEMPT
resultfrom havingyour hand near the burner
whenthe automaticignitionmayturn on.
Dryer-appliedFabric Softenersor
Youmaywishto softenyour launderedfabrics
or reducethe staticelectricityin them.
recommendyou use either a fiabricsoftenerin the
wash cycle, accordingto the manuflacturer’s
instructionsfor those products,or try a dryer-added
productfor which the manufacturergives written
assuranceon the packagethat their productcan be
safely used in yourdryer.
Serviceor performanceproblemscausedby the use
of theseproductsaretheresponsibilityof the
manufacturersof thoseproductsandare notcovered
underthe warrantyof thisappliance.