0150-0238A iii Calibur DSR-1000eZ
Software and/or firmware is furnished to the purchaser under a license for use on a single system.
Software and/or firmware included with this equipment are the sole proprietary property of, confidential to,
and copyrighted by GE Interlogix, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. The software/firmware are not to be copied or
disclosed in any manner without the express written consent of GE Interlogix.
All information and specifications furnished by GE Interlogix are believed to be accurate and reliable. No
responsibility is assumed by GE Interlogix for neither its use nor any infringements of rights of third parties
that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent
rights of GE Interlogix.
The CALIBUR™ brand name and product model numbers are the property of GE Interlogix.
COPYRIGHT, 2002: The contents of this manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner or
form without the prior written consent of GE Interlogix.