Food Time Comments
Breads, Cakes
Bread, buns, or rolls (1 piece) 1/4 min.
Sweet rolls (appro[. 12 oz.) 2 to 4 min. Rearrange after half the time.
Fish and Seafood
Fillets, frozen (1 lb.) 6 to 9 min.
Shellfish, small pieces
(1 lb.)
3 to 7 min. Place block in casserole. Turn over and break up after half the time.
3ODVWLFSRXFK³RU 1 to 5 min.
(10-oz. package)
Bacon (1 lb.) 2 to 5 min. Place unopened package in oven. Let stand 5 minutes after defrosting.
Franks (1 lb.) 2 to 5 min. Place unopened package in oven. Microwave Must until franks can be separated.
Let stand 5 minutes, if necessary, to complete defrosting.
Ground meat (1 lb.) 4 to 6 min. Turn meat over after first half of time.
Roast: beef, lamb, veal, pork
9 to 13 min.
Use power level 10.
per lb.
Steaks, chops and cutlets 4 to 8 min. Place unwrapped meat in cooking dish. Turn over after first half of time and
per lb. shield warm areas with foil. After second half of time, separate pieces with table
knife. Let stand to complete defrosting.
Chicken, broiler-fryer, cut up
14 to 20 min.
Place wrapped chicken in dish. Unwrap and turn over after first half of time. After
ø2 to 3 lbs.)
second half of time, separate pieces and place in cooking dish. Microwave 2 to 4
minutes more, if necessary. Let stand a few minutes to finish defrosting.
Chicken, whole (2
ø2 to 3 lbs.)
20 to 25 min.
Place wrapped chicken in dish. After half the time, unwrap and turn chicken over.
Shield warm areas with foil. To complete defrosting, run cold water in the cavity
until giblets can be removed.
Cornish hen 7 to 13 min. Place unwrapped hen in the oven breast-side-up. Turn over after first half of time.
per lb. Run cool water in the cavity until giblets can be removed.
Turkey breast (4 to 6 lbs.) 3 to 8 min. Place unwrapped breast in microwave-safe dish breast-side-down. After first half
per lb. of time, turn breast-side-up and shield warm areas with foil. Defrost for second
half of time. Let stand 1 to 2 hours in refrigerator to complete defrosting.
Defrosting Guide
Time Defrost
Allows you to defrost for a selected length
of time. See the Defrosting Guide for suggested
times. (Auto Defrost e[plained in the About the
convenience features section.)
Enter defrosting time.
Press START.
Turn the food over after half the time.
Press START.
At one half of selected defrosting time, turn
food over and break apart or rearrange pieces
for more even defrosting. Shield any warm
areas with small pieces of foil. The oven will
continue to defrost if you don’t open the door
and turn the food.
A dull thumping noise may be heard during
defrosting. This is normal when oven is not
operating at HI power.
Defrosting Tips
Foods frozen in paper or plastic can be
defrosted in the package. Closed packages
should be slit, pierced or vented AFTER
food has partially defrosted. Plastic storage
containers should be partially uncovered.
Family-size, prepackaged frozen dinners can
be defrosted and microwaved. If the food is
in a foil container, transfer it to a microwave-
safe dish.
Foods that spoil easily should not be allowed
to sit out for more than one hour after
defrosting. Room temperature promotes the
growth of harmful bacteria.
For more even defrosting of larger foods,
such as roasts, use Auto Defrost. Be sure
large meats are completely defrosted before
When defrosted, food should be cool
but softened in all areas. If still slightly icy,
return to the microwave very briefly, or let it
stand a few minutes.
Express Cook
About the convenience features.