38 K400 Issue No. 1
Use the keys and pressing ent, changes the display. The new display allows
the setting of a temperature range to the specific mA output of the device under test.
Using the keys to move the cursor through this display and, using the numeric
key-pad, set a low temperature limit (T min) corresponding to a low input current
limit (Min) and a high temperature limit (T max) corresponding to the high input
current limit (Max) and press ent to confirm the selection and to go to the next
display where the error calculation method can be set, as previously described.
Selecting ABSOLUTE, the final working screen shows, in the top part, the mA
signal from the unit under test, scaled into the selected temperature unit with the
error indication reported as deviation in temperature.
Selecting % OF SPAN or % OF RDG the display shows the error as a percentage
value of full-scale or as a percentage value of specific reading point.
T min : 50.00 °C
T max : 200.00 °C
Min : 4. 000 mA
Max : 20.000 mA
0,15% SPAN
148.50 °C
150.00 DIRECT