Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics Post Cleaning Rinse Procedure
1. Remove the RO waste and product lines from the cleaning tank and connect to
2. Turn on the RO unit. When the RO system is equipped with a Disinfect Alarm
Monitor and RO Status Monitor post cleaning rinse operations may commence
only when both disinfect key switches are activated, the RO unit power switch is
turned on, and the alarm timer has expired. If the Disinfect Alarm Monitor is not
included in the RO system the Disinfect Start key switch can be turned ON to
rinse the cleaning solution through the RO system.
3. Run cleaning solution to drain until the cleaning tank is almost empty.
Do not allow air to be drawn into the RO system, as this will damage the pump.
4. Turn off the RO unit and pour the last amounts of cleaner into drain to protect the
pump from running dry. RO systems equipped with a Disinfect Alarm Monitor
will use the RO unit power switch to turn off the pump and stop circulation. RO
systems without a Disinfect Alarm Monitor will use the Disinfect Start key switch
to turn off the pump.
5. Rotate the Disinfect Inlet Valve to the closed position.
6. Remove the Disinfect Inlet Valve cleaning line from cleaning tank and connect to
7. Turn on the RO unit power switch and allow RO to rinse for five minutes. RO
systems with the Disinfect Alarm Monitor and RO Status Monitor must have both
disinfect key switches placed in the off/normal operation position to continue
rinse operations.
8. Slowly open the Disinfect Inlet Valve and allow water to rinse to drain. A low
pump feed pressure condition may be created if this valve is opened too far.
9. Close the valve and disconnect drain hose.
10. Adjust the waste flow to equal product flow.
11. Rinse for 20 minutes and ensure the Percent Rejection and TDS monitors display
normal readings.
a. During this rinse period, rotate the waste flow valve open and closed to build
up and release pump pressure. Perform this several times to aid in flushing
the cleaner from the system.
12. Test product water for post cleaning pH and compare to pre-cleaning pH level.
The values should be the same or very close to the pre-cleaning pH. If it is not,
continue rinsing in the operate position until equalization of the values occur.
1238339b – 16Oct03 4 - 12 Routine Maintenance