Outdoor Ambient Temperature
65 60 55 50 47 45 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 10 5 0 -5 -10
MBh 27.726.224.623.022.021.319.818.317.416.114.814.013.512.110.7 9.4 8.0 6.5
DELTA T29.327.726.124.423.322.621.019.318.517.015.714.814.312.811.39.9 8.4 6.9
KW 2.01 1.97 1.94 1.90 1.88 1.86 1.82 1.78 1.82 1.78 1.74 1.72 1.70 1.66 1.62 1.58 1.54 1.50
AMPS 9.6 9.0 8.5 8.1 7.8 7.7 7.3 7.0 6.7 6.5 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.5 5.2 4.9 4.5
COP 4.02 3.88 3.73 3.55 3.43 3.36 3.18 3.00 2.81 2.65 2.50 2.39 2.32 2.13 1.94 1.73 1.52 1.28
EER 13.713.312.712.111.711.510.910.29.6 9.1 8.5 8.2 7.9 7.3 6.6 5.9 5.2 4.4
HI PR 366 351 337 323 315 309 297 285 273 261 251 245 240 231 222 213 205 198
LO PR 132 122 114 105 99 95 88 78 70 63 55 51 50 42 36 31 27 21
Above information is for nominal CFM and 70 degree indoor dry bulb. Instantaneous capacity listed.
Outdoor Ambient Temperature
65 60 55 50 47 45 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 10 5 0 -5 -10
MBh 33.932.130.228.327.026.224.322.419.818.216.815.915.313.712.110.69.0 7.4
DELTA T29.928.326.724.923.823.121.419.817.416.114.814.013.512.110.79.3 8.0 6.5
KW 2.43 2.39 2.34 2.29 2.27 2.25 2.20 2.16 2.50 2.44 2.38 2.35 2.33 2.27 2.21 2.16 2.10 2.04
AMPS 12.1 11.3 10.7 10.1 9.8 9.6 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.1 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.2 6.9 6.5 6.1 5.7
COP 4.08 3.94 3.78 3.61 3.49 3.41 3.23 3.04 2.32 2.19 2.06 1.98 1.92 1.77 1.61 1.44 1.26 1.06
EER 14.013.512.912.311.911.611.010.47.9 7.5 7.0 6.7 6.6 6.0 5.5 4.9 4.3 3.6
HI PR 384 368 354 338 331 324 312 299 287 274 263 256 252 242 233 223 215 208
LO PR 132 122 115 105 99 96 88 78 71 63 55 52 50 42 36 31 27 21
Above information is for nominal CFM and 70 degree indoor dry bulb. Instantaneous capacity listed.
Outdoor Ambient Temperature
65 60 55 50 47 45 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 10 5 0 -5 -10
DELTA T32.630.929.027.125.925.123.321.517.316.014.713.913.412.010.69.3 7.9 6.5
KW 2.99 2.94 2.88 2.82 2.79 2.77 2.72 2.66 2.76 2.70 2.64 2.61 2.58 2.52 2.47 2.41 2.35 2.29
AMPS 14.8 13.9 13.1 12.5 12.1 11.9 11.3 10.8 10.5 10.1 9.7 9.5 9.4 9.0 8.6 8.2 7.7 7.1
COP 4.13 3.99 3.82 3.64 3.52 3.44 3.26 3.07 2.38 2.24 2.11 2.02 1.96 1.80 1.64 1.46 1.28 1.07
EER 14.113.613.112.512.011.811.110.58.1 7.7 7.2 6.9 6.7 6.2 5.6 5.0 4.4 3.7
HI PR 368 353 339 324 317 311 299 287 274 262 252 246 241 232 223 214 206 199
LO PR13412511710710197908072645753514337312721
Above information is for nominal CFM and 70 degree indoor dry bulb. Instantaneous capacity listed.
Outdoor Ambient Temperature
65 60 55 50 47 45 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 10 5 0 -5 -10
MBh 47.845.242.639.838.036.834.231.527.425.323.322.
DELTA T31.429.727.926. 8.2 6.7
KW 3.27 3.21 3.15 3.09 3.06 3.04 2.98 2.92 3.03 2.97 2.90 2.87 2.84 2.78 2.71 2.65 2.59 2.53
AMPS 11.9 11.2 10.7 10.2 9.9 9.8 9.4 9.0 8.8 8.5 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.4 7.1 6.8 6.4
COP 4.27 4.12 3.95 3.76 3.63 3.55 3.36 3.16 2.65 2.50 2.35 2.25 2.18 2.00 1.82 1.62 1.42 1.19
EER 14.614.113.512.912.412.111.510.89.0 8.5 8.0 7.7 7.5 6.8 6.2 5.5 4.8 4.1
HI PR 355 341 327 313 306 300 288 277 265 253 243 237 233 224 216 207 199 192
LO PR 130 121 113 104 98 94 87 77 70 62 55 51 49 41 36 30 26 21
Above information is for nominal CFM and 70 degree indoor dry bulb. Instantaneous capacity listed.