Setup Mode Details
3A0869J 47
Recipe 0 (Screen 27)
The Recipe Screens allow the user to set up the basic
recipes. Recipe 0 (Screen 27) displays if is selected
on Setup Home (Screen 17). Recipe 0 allows users to
set up a full flush, independent of recipe purge timers,
with no material load. It includes timers for first, second
and third flush. See Recipe 1-2 (Screen 29), page 47,
for flush timer details.
Recipe 1-1 (Screen 28)
Note about Settings of 0: If Ratio is set to 0, the sys-
tem will dispense the A material only. If Potlife Time is
set to 0, the potlife alarm is disabled.
Press to move through the Recipe screens. The
Recipe Screens allow the user to set up the basic rec-
ipe: Recipe 1-1 (Screen 28) is for A1 (color 1) and B. In
3-Color systems, Recipe 2-1 (Screen 30) is for A2 (color
2) and B, and Recipe 3-1 (Screen 32) is for A3 (color 3)
and B. These screens include the ratio of Material A1
(A2, A3) to Material B (0 to 30), ratio tolerance (1 to 99
percent), and potlife time (0 to 240 minutes).
Recipe 1-2 (Screen 29)
Note about Settings of 0: If a Flush time is set to 0,
that valve will not flush.
Recipe 1-2 (Screen 29) includes timers for first, second
and third flush for A1 (color 1). In 3-Color systems, Rec-
ipe 2-2 (Screen 31) and Recipe 3-2 (Screen 33) allow
users to set flush timers for the additional materials A2
and A3 (colors 2 and 3).
• First flush: Always an A side purge, using the A side
flush material from the A purge valve.
• Second flush: Always a B side purge, using the B
side flush material from the B purge valve.
• Third flush: User settable to run the A purge valve or
the B purge valve for any required additional flush,
as selected in the dropdown for the third flush
source (A or B).
All flush times are settable from 0 to 240 seconds. Set
flush time to 0 seconds to skip a flush in the sequence.
For example, to skip the first flush (A side purge), enter
0 seconds. The system goes immediately to the second
flush, followed by the third flush as user defined.
• Press to highlight the desired field and press
to select. Press to move between dig-
its. Press to change a digit. Press when
field is correct.
• Press to move through the Recipe screens.
FIG. 42. Recipe 0 (Screen 27)
FIG. 43. Recipe 1-1 (Screen 28)
Second flush
time (B purge)
First flush
time (A purge)
Third flush time
(uses material
set in next field)
FIG. 44. Recipe 1-2 (Screen 29)
First flush
time (A purge)
Second flush
time (B purge)
Third flush time
(uses material
set in next field)