Chapter 4: Web-Based Management
GE-DS-242-PoE Managed Ethernet Switch User Manual 53
Figure 4-23: Port Sniffer interface
This page includes the following fields:
Sniffer Type
Select a sniffer mode:
• Disable
• Rx
• Tx
• Both
Analysis (Monitoring) Port
It' means Analysis port can be used to see the traffic on another port
you want to monitor. You can connect Analysis port to LAN analyzer or
Monitored Port
The port you want to monitor. The monitor port traffic will be copied to
Analysis port. You can select one monitor ports in the switch. User can
choose which port that they want to monitor in only one sniffer type.
1. When the Mirror Mode set to RX or TX and the Analysis Port be selected, the
packets to and from the Analysis Port will not be transmitted. The Analysis Port will
accept only COPIED packets from the Monitored Port.
2. If you want to disable the function, you must select monitor port to none.