
3A2012J 17
NOTE: Catalyst reservoir outlet must be above the cata-
lyst pump inlet fitting for true gravity feeding.
b. Insert pole clamp bolts through pumpline
mounting plate then each of the two lower pole
clamps, then install and tighten nuts to secure
mounting plate and clamps in place.
c. Use four bolts and washers to secure catalyst
reservoir to catalyst reservoir mounting plate.
d. Use four bolts and washers to secure pumpline
to pumpline mounting bracket.
2. For systems bolting directly to wall (not using a
a. Use four bolts, washers, and nuts to install cata-
lyst reservoir mounting bracket to wall.
b. Use four bolts, washers, and nuts to install cata-
lyst reservoir onto the catalyst reservoir mount-
ing bracket.
c. Use four bolts, washers, and nuts to secure
pumpline mounting bracket to wall.
d. Use four bolts, washers, and nuts to secure
pumpline to pumpline mounting bracket.