42 313872N
▲ Replacement Danger and Warning labels, tags and
cards are available at no cost.
* Parts included in Kit 16T549.
** Parts included in Kit 16T531.
*** Parts included in Kit 24E252.
◆ Parts included in Kit 24D312.
❖ Parts included in Kit 24D313.
✿ Parts included in Kit 246352.
❄ Parts included in Kit 246731.
✠ Parts included in Kit 16T553.
†See Orifice Kits section starting on page 49.
‡ Suggested spares. These parts should be kept
on-hand to prevent down time. Kits 24D321, 246731,
246352 should also be kept on-hand. See Kits start-
ing on page 43 for contents of each kit.
★ If installed gun components are prior to October
2011, kit 24M123 is necessary when replacing com-
36 24D073 HANDLE, 2k dispense 1
37 C19980 SCREW, cap, socket hd 4
41 172479 ▲ TAG, warning 1 1
43 112307 ELBOW, street 2 2
44 117510 COUPLER, line, air, 1/4 npt 1 1
45 15B772 HOSE, air, 18 inch 1 1
46 15B565 VALVE, ball 1 1
47 117661 PIN, vise 1 1
48 117642 TOOL, nut driver 1 1
49 118575 TOOL, screw driver, 1/8 blade 1 1
51 222385 ▲ TAG, warning 1 1
52 295598 TOOL, wrench, hex 1 1
54 24D320 CONNECTOR, splitter 1
55 **✠ SCRAPER, assembly 1 1
56 115719**✠ PACKING, o-ring, 015 1 1
Ref Part Description
EP Gun, 250,
0.031 in.
EP Gun, 250,
0.031 in.
orifice, Auto