Squaring Stock
Before turning the jointer ON, make sure
the outfeed table height is properly set
(refer to Setting Outfeed Table Height on
Page 43 for detailed instructions) to avoid
workpiece kickback and to ensure good
results. Kickback of the workpiece could
cause serious personal injury!
Squaring stock involves four steps performed
in the following order:
1. Surface Plane on the Jointer: I]ZXdcXVkZ
[VXZ d[ i]Zldg`e^ZXZ ^h hjg[VXZeaVcZY [aVi
l^i]i]Z_d^ciZghZZFigure 33#
Figure 33.Hjg[VXZeaVc^c\dci]Z_d^ciZg#
2. Surface Plane on a Thickness Planer:
I]Z deedh^iZ [VXZ d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ ^h hjg"
Figure 34#
Figure 34.Hjg[VXZeaVc^c\dcVi]^X`cZhh
3. Edge Joint on the Jointer: I]Z XdcXVkZ
_d^ciZghZZFigure 35#
Figure 35.:Y\Z_d^ci^c\dci]Z_d^ciZg#
4. Rip Cut on a Table Saw: I]Z_d^ciZYZY\Z
d[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ ^heaVXZYV\V^chii]ZiVWaZ
hVl [ZcXZ VcY i]Z deedh^iZ ZY\Z^h Xji d[[
hZZFigure 36#
Figure 36.G^eXjii^c\dcViVWaZhVl#
Making adjustments to the jointer while the
machine is ON greatly increases the risk to
the operator from the rotating cutterhead.
ALWAYS make sure the jointer is OFF and
disconnected from power before performing
adjustments, maintenance, or service on the