G0612 6" Jointer
6. Loosen the fence tilting handle, bring the
fence to 90
º with the machinist's square set
against the fence, then tighten the handle.
Note: Keep the limit plate tab in the rear slot
of the limit block.
7. Loosen the jam nut (located at the rear of the
limit block shaft).
8. Using a screwdriver, turn the limit block
set screw until the limit block shaft hits the
9. Tighten the jam nut. The 90º stop is now set
To set the inward
45º stop:
2. With the fence positioned over the bed and
the sliding handle locked, loosen the fence
tilting handle.
3. Tip the fence towards the table as far as it will
go, then tighten the fence tilting handle.
Note: When you tip the fence towards the
table, it will stop when it hits the inward stop
4. Use a machinist's combination square to
check the angle of the fence as shown in
Figure 25.
Figure 25. Checking the inward 45º stop.
—If the fence leans 45º towards the table,
the inward 45º stop is set correctly; move
ahead to set the
outward 45º stop.
—If the fence does not lean 45
º towards the
table, adjust the inward 45º stop by doing
Steps 5-
5. Loosen the fence tilting handle, bring the
fence to 90
º, then tighten the handle just
enough to keep the fence in position.
6. Remove the limit block from the fence bracket
assembly and set it aside.
7. Using two 8mm wrenches, adjust the inward
stop bolt (see Figure 26) until it hits the fence
at precisely
45º inward, then tighten the jam
nut (where the bolt meets the bracket assem
bly) while holding the stop bolt in place. Some
trial-and-error will be required to set this stop
Figure 26. Adjusting the inward stop.
Stop Bolt