Model H7826 Flooring Nailer-14-
Symptom Possible Cause Solution
Air leaking at
whack cap area.
1. Damaged seal.
2. O-rings on the plunger are
1. Replace damaged seal.
2. O-rings must be replaced.
Air leaking between
body and hose.
1. Loose air fitting. 1. Tighten air fitting & use
teflon tape.
Air leaking around
1. Damaged O-ring on the pis
2. Worn bumper.
1. Replace O-ring.
2. Replace
Nailer does not fire. 1. Nail is jammed in magazine
or discharge area.
2. Air pressure too low.
3. Lack of lubrication.
4. Worn or damaged O-rings.
5. Piston shaft is damaged.
1. Clear magazine or dis
charge area.
2. Check for blockage/
increase air pressure.
3. Place several drops of oil
in the air inlet.
4. Replace O-rings. Make
sure air pressure does
not exceed the maximum
operating pressure.
5. Replace piston shaft.
Tool runs slowly
or has a loss of
1. Air pressure too low.
2. Insufficient lubrication.
3. Dirt and oil buildup on driver.
4. Exhaust port in cap is
5. Worn or damaged O-rings.
1. Check for blockage/
increase air pressure.
2. Lubricate nailer.
3. Disassemble and clean
4. Clean exhaust port.
5. Replace O-rings.
Tool skips nails
while discharging.
1. Air leaks.
2. Insufficient lubrication.
3. Dirt in nose.
4. Dirt or damage prevents nails
from moving in magazine.
5. Inadequate air flow to tool.
6. Worn or damaged
7. Worn bumper.
8. Damaged pusher spring.
9. Bent, damaged, dirty, or
wrong size nails.
10. Damaged driver.
1. See above.
2. Lubricate nailer.
3. Clean nose.
4. Clean magazine and
inspect/repair damage.
5. Check for blockage/
increase air pressure.
6. Replace O-rings.
7. Replace bumper.
8. Replace pusher spring.
9. Use undamaged, correct
size, nails.
10. Replace driver.
Fasteners frequent-
ly jam the nailer.
1. Bent, damaged, dirty, or
wrong size nails.
2. Magazine screws are loose.
3. Driver or driver guide are
worn or damaged.
1. Use undamaged, correct
size, nails.
2. Tighten magazine.
3. Replace worn or damaged