Model T25688 (Mfg. Since 09/13)
Additional Safety for Slip Rolls
OVERLOADING. Overloading this machine can
cause injury from flying parts or property damage.
Do not exceed the machine capacities.
SECURING SLIP ROLL. Before using, secure the
slip roll to a sturdy vise that is securely fastened
to a workbench that can support the weight and
dynamic forces involved in forming sheet metal.
Otherwise, the slip roll may unexpectedly move
or fall, causing serious injury or property damage.
METAL EDGES. Sharp edges on sheet metal can
result in severe cuts. Always wear leather gloves
before handling sheet metal, and chamfer and
debur edges.
roll with loose or damaged hardware could result
in sudden, uncontrolled movements during use.
Inspect the slip roll for any cracked linkage, con-
trols, or loose fasteners. Correct any problems
before use.
GLOVES AND GLASSES. Always wear leather
gloves and approved safety glasses when using
the slip roll.
HEATING METAL. Heating the workpiece with a
torch while it is in the slip roll will weaken the metal
of the rollers and the frame. Do not use a torch or
other similar heating tool near the slip roll.
BACK INJURIES. The cranking motion required
to operate this slip roll is potentially harmful if
proper technique is not used. To avoid back inju-
ries, keep your back vertical and never over-exert
yourself or operate the slip roll in awkward posi-
can quickly crush or pinch fingers or hands. Never
place fingers or hands between or near the rollers
during operation.
Like all machinery there is potential danger
when operating this machine. Accidents
are frequently caused by lack of familiarity
or failure to pay attention. Use this machine
with respect and caution to decrease the
risk of operator injury. If normal safety pre-
cautions are overlooked or ignored, seri-
ous personal injury may occur.
No list of safety guidelines can be com-
plete. Every shop environment is different.
Always consider safety first, as it applies
to your individual working conditions. Use
this and other machinery with caution and
respect. Failure to do so could result in
serious personal injury, damage to equip-
ment, or poor work results.