
105-106 Audio settings
105 Selecting the digital output
105 Setting the sampling rate
106 Switching the dynamic range (volume range) on and off
107 PIP settings
107 Selecting the PIP default source
107 Selecting the size of the inset picture
107 Selecting the position of the inset picture
108-110 Custom settings
108 Language settings
109 Switching the screen saver on and off
109 Setting the brightness of the device display
109 Setting the transparency of the menu display
110 Inserting chapter markers in the recordings
110 Selecting the recording quality
110 Selecting the input source for recording
111-115 Special settings
111-112 Tuning television stations
113 Setting the time and date
113 Switching the HDD DVD recorder to another Grundig remote control
114 Setting the signal type for the video output socket
115 DivX
Video registration
115 Resetting the HDD DVD recorder to its original condition
116-121 Information
116 Technical data
117 General information on laser devices
118-119 Troubleshooting
120 Environmental note
120 Cleaning discs
120 Software information
121 Additional information for units sold in the UK.