
If you have a problem with your TV please check the Symptom and Recommendation. If this fails to cure the problem you will need to
contact an authorised service company. If the problem persists, please apply to an authorized service.
WWhheenn tthhee TTVV sseett iiss ooppeerraatteedd aatt aammbbiieenntt tteemmppeerraattuurreess ooff 55 ddeeggrreeee CCeellssiiuuss oorr lloowweerr,, tthheerree wwiillll bbee aa ffooccuuss ddiissoorrddeerr aanndd ccoolloorriizzaattiioonn pprroobblleemm
((ppiinnkkiinngg)) aatt tthhee ffiirrsstt sswwiittcchhiinngg oonn.. YYoouurr sseett pprroovviiddeess nnoorrmmaall ddiissppllaayy iinn 1100 ttoo 1155 mmiinnuutteess.. OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee sseett iinn ssuucchh aaddvveerrssee aammbbiieenntt
ccoonnddiittiioonnss wwiillll rreedduuccee iittss lliiffee.. SSoo,, ddoo nnoott ooppeerraattee iitt aatt llooww aammbbiieenntt tteemmppeerraattuurreess ((55 ddeeggrreeee CCeellssiiuuss oorr lloowweerr))..
No picture
There is no light on the screen
No sound
No or weak picture
There is no light on the screen
Normal sound
Picture is normal
No sound
There is no color on the color
broadcast or the colors are not normal
Picture is snowy or there are noises
There are dotted lines or lines
Double picture or shadows
There is no display on the DVI or PC
• Plug your TV to an operating outlet
• Press ON/OFF button on the TV
• If the standby indicator lights, press program numbers on the RC or P± buttons on the TV
• Check the antenna
• Check the brightness, color or contrast
• Check the video inlet
• Check the VGA cable in case of monitor use
• If the Mute symbol appears on the screen, press Mute button on the RC once more
• Raise the sound level on the TV set or RC
• Check the color setting
• Fine tune for a more clear display
• Fine tune
• Check the aerial
• This might be caused by internal noises (For example motor vehicles, neons, hair dryers etc.)
Set the aerial direction to minimum noise
• Also the adjacent buildings may have some reflections. You can correct the display by raising the
Check if the set is in correct mode. Check the external DVI or VGA cable
065001055330 26" LCD AVISOL ING 27/6/06 8:30 Page 32