Never use your FS-30P+
without a cleaning pad attached
to the base, as you could damage
the floor surface.
9) Push and pull the Pet Plus™ Steam Cleaning Floor
Sanitizer slowly across your floor to thoroughly
steam clean each section (Fig 6).
To Refill Water Tank:
10) When there is no more water in the tank, the
RED Empty Light will illuminate (Fig 7).
11) To refill the Water Tank, turn your Pet Plus™ off,
unplug it from the electrical wall outlet and let
the unit cool for 30 seconds. Then remove the
fill cap and pour in the water. Do not overfill (Fig 8).
12) When you have finished using the Pet Plus™, turn
it OFF and wait until the unit cools down for
approximately five (5) minutes before removing
the cleaning pad from the base. Remove the pad
by using your foot to hold the pad while you pull
up to detach the pad from the steam head. The
pad and unit are specially designed for this ‘No
Touch’ method of removal (Fig 9). For directions
on the removal and use of the Carpet Tray/
Carpet Tray Pad see pg 13-14.
NOTE: The cleaning pads get very hot with the
steam during use. Allow it to cool on black Floor
Protector/Resting Mat before removal.
13) Store the unit upright in a protected dry area,
standing it on the Floor Protector/Resting Mat
or hanging it by the Storage Hook.
Special Notes on Using your HAAN
Floor Sanitizer:
• Alwaysvacuumorsweepfloorbeforesanitizing.
• Theeasiestwaytousethemachineistotiltthe
handle to a 45˚ angle and clean slowly 2-3 yards
at a time.
• Althoughwedonotadvocatetheuseofchemicals,
to remove stubborn stains from vinyl or linoleum
floors, you can pre-treat with a mild detergent
and some water before using the Floor Sanitizer.
• NeverleavethecleaningpadonyourPetPlus™
when you have finished using the unit. Always
remove the pad and wash in cool or warm water
with a mild detergent. Never use bleach or fabric
softener. See further instructions on the care of the
cleaning pads on page 11 .
www.HAANUSA.com 877-HAAN DIRECT / 877-422-6347 pg 9
Operating Instructions: (cont)
Never leave the Ultra-Microfiber
Pad on your Floor Sanitizer when
you have finished using the unit.
Remove the pad after each use
to dry and clean.
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 6
Fig 9
Using Your Floor Sanitizer