Once you have prepared and maintained a thick charcoal
bed, you should be able to reload the stove, allow some burn-
ing at the maximum air setting, and reset the air control in a
few minutes.
Select hardwoods if possible, as they are heavier and
contain more heating capacity (BTU’s) per load than do
softwoods. Wood should be split and stored under cover for
“seasoning” - a year is recommended. Your stove is not an
incinerator - do not burn garbage, painted or treated wood,
plastic, or other debris.
Keep the area around the stove free from clutter. Keep all
combustibles, including fuel, beyond the code-required clear-
ance distance (48" or 1215 mm in the U.S., 1525 mm or 60" in
Canada). Never store fuel in front of the stove where it could
interfere with door operation, safe loading, and ash removal.
Blower. To regulate the speed of the optional convection
blower, adjust the control from low to high by turning the
knob located on the blower cord.
Always wear gloves to remove the ash pan. Lift the latch
on the ash door and open. Pull the ash pan out by the handle.
Lift the handle to the vertical position to carry the ashes to a
disposal location. Close the ash door while you are disposing
of the ashes. The re will get very hot if the bottom door is
left open even for a short period. Replace the ash pan. Re-
move ashes from the re chamber periodically by shaking
the grates. Wood burns best with an ash bed under the wood;
therefore, do not shake all of the ashes down. Never let the
ashes build up to over 3" in depth. Excessive ash buildup can
prevent proper venting of exhaust gases. Also do not overll
the ash pan. Ash buildup between the ash pan and the grates
can cause them to overheat and wear out prematurely.
The TLC 2000 is tested and approved to be burned with
the front load door open. In this mode of operation you get a
true re sound as well as appearance. Due to the crackling and
popping of burning wood it is necessary to place the optional
screen over the door opening. This prevents sparks from enter-
ing the room just like a screen over a replace.
The clean-out plate (see above) should be removed to
burn as a replace. This is done by lifting up on the tab on
the front of the plate.
To install the screen, open the glass door and place the
screen over the door opening. Push on the screen until the
two spring clips snap into place. To remove the screen, pull
on the handle.
Cleanout Plate
To Burn As A
Fireplace Stove