Simultaneous bridged-mono/
stereo satellite operation
You can use any of the TC Series amplifiers
in a simultanous bridge-monolstereo mode
(also known as center-channel configuration
or derived three-channel operation). In this
configuration, a single amplifier runs a
stereo pair of satellite speakers as well as a
single subwoofer speaker simultaneously.
With a TC Series amplifier, this configura-
tion does not require the use of either an
active electronic crossover or extra amplifi-
ers. However, you will need to use passive
crossovers on all three speakers so the
stereo satellite speakers and the subwoofer
do not operate in the same frequency range.
If you're using a two-channel amplifier
(either the TC600 or TC300), the speaker
leads will be connected to both the
normal stereo connectors and to the
bridged-mono connectors simultaneously.
If you're using the TC304 four-channel
amplifier. the amplifier can operate in
normal fourchannel mode and simultane-
ously provide bridged power output on
either one or both front and rear channel
Simultaneous bridged-mono/stereo operation
speakers, or from the left front to right
rear and right front to left rear for non-
fade bass operation.
operation using the
four-channel amplifier
The TC 304 four-channel amplifier can
configured to provide either four, three, or
two separate channels of power. Some
examples of different types of 4,3,2,
operation have been described in this
manual, but there are many more possible
application combinations. The 4-3.2
operation of the TC304, combined with si-
multaneous bridged operation, provides
almost unlimited flexibility for automotive
system design.