TB 9-6625-2049-35
5. Accessories Required. The accessories required for this calibration are common
usage accessories, issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above, and are not listed in this
calibration procedure. The following peculiar accessory is also required for this calibration:
50Ω feedthrough termination, Hewlett-Packard, Model 11048C.
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of Equipment Required
Common name
Minimum use specifications
Manufacturer and model
(part number)
AUDIO ANALYZER Output: 4.5 V, 10 kHz
AM distortion: ≤-30 dB at 10 kHz Distortion:
≤-60 dB at 50 Hz
Boonton, Model 1120-S/10
FREQUENCY COUNTER Range: 99,9950 µs to 60,000,300 Hz
Accuracy: 1.25 x 10
Capability: Time interval A to B
Hewlett-Packard, Model 5345A
(MIS-28754/1 Type 1)
MEASURING RECEIVER Frequency: 100 kHz to 10 MHz
Volts: .683 to .732 V rms
Accuracy: ±0.85%
AM: 0 to 80%
Consisting of : Measuring
receiver Hewlett-Packard,
Model 8902A and Sensor
module Hewlett-Packard, Model
MULTIMETER Range: -20.225 to +20.225 V dc
Accuracy: ±0.05%
Range: 0.3416 to 20.4 V ac
100 Hz to 100 kHz
Accuracy: ±0.3%
Hewlett-Packard, Model
OSCILLOSCOPE Frequency: 1 kHz to 10 MHz
Amplitude: 1.8 to 2.2 V p-p
Accuracy: ±2.5%
Duty cycle: 49.7 to 50.3%
Overshoot: 5%
Rise time and fall time: <20 ns
Tektronix, Type 2430A
SPECTRUM ANALYZER Frequency: 50 kHz to 20 MHz
Input: -20 dBm and 40 V
Display capability: <-65 dBc
Frequency: 0.1 MHz
Amplitude: 13 dBm
Hewlett-Packard, Model
3335AOPT 001-K06
Reference output frequency: 10 MHz
Accuracy: ±5 x 10
Autek Systems Corporation,
Model 620 (MIS-38946)
RESISTANCE STANDARD Range: 470Ω Biddle Gray, Model 71-631