
2-6 Aplets and their views
Those items with space for a checkmark are settings you can
turn on or off. Press
to display the second page.
Reset plot
To reset the default values for all plot settings, press
CLEAR in the Plot Setup view. To reset the default value
for a field, highlight the field, and press >'(/@.
NRNG Sequence aplet: Specifies the index
(N) values for the graph.
TSTEP For Parametric plots: the increment
for the independent variable.
θSTEP For Polar plots: the increment value
for the independent variable.
SEQPLOT For Sequence aplet: Stairstep
or Cobweb types.
XTICK Horizontal spacing for tickmarks.
YTICK Vertical spacing for tickmarks.
Field Meaning (Continued)
Field Meaning
SIMULT If more than one relation is being
plotted, plots them simultaneously
(otherwise sequentially).
INV. CROSS Cursor crosshairs invert the status of
the pixels they cover.
CONNECT Connect the plotted points. (The
Sequence aplet always connects
LABELS Label the axes with XRNG and YRNG
AXES Draw the axes.
GRID Draw grid points using XTICK and
YTICK spacing.