print speed 202, 217
cleaning 88
compatibility matrix 203
configurations 18
configuring settings with embedded web
server 253
control panel description and illustration
current settings 151
dimensions 200
features and benefits 16
help software 37
maintenance 93
managing and troubleshooting remotely
managing internal resources 232
managing through network 41
maximum temperature 193
memory and expansion 229
naming 40
obtaining information with embedded web
browser 251
online help 31
operating systems supported 35
operating temperature 202
ordering supplies 22
overriding control panel settings 36
parts and locations 19
password 40
placing printer online or offline 30
pulling from wrong tray 142
relative 202
renaming for Macintosh 145
resetting 223
saving settings 66
setting up 13
setting up notification of events 253
software included on CD 33
space requirements 200
specifications 200
weight 201
Printer Collation Error page 126
printer commands
cursor positioning 240
description 235
font selection 241
language selection 240
PCL 235, 239
programming hints 240
syntax 236
printer drivers
Apple LaserWriter 40
Apple LaserWriter 8 37
choosing the right one 37
configuring 36
configuring for duplexer 50
description 35
distributing 36
help software 37
included on printer CD 33
included with printer 35
infrared 80
Macintosh 40
Microsoft Windows 36
online help 14
OS/2 35
PCL 5e 37
PCL 6 37
PS 37
settings versus software program 32
troubleshooting Macintosh 143
website 157
Printer Job Language (PJL) commands
printer languages (personality), selecting
default 221
printer maintenance kit
ordering 22
using 93
printer software
available on printer CD 33
website 157
printer status page (embedded web server)
booklets 66
by type and size of paper 70
configuration page 152
control panel menu map 32
different first page 67
envelopes 55
envelopes from tray 1 56, 197
feeding paper manually 71
file directory 208
font list 156
for IP 40
heavy paper 63, 198
held jobs 74
labels 61
menu map 32, 151
multiple pages on one sheet 67
online user guide 11
paper path test 209
quick copy jobs 206
small or narrow paper 53
speed 202, 217
stops in the middle 140
stored jobs 78, 207
supplies status page 154
transparencies 62
usage page 208