L100 Inverter
Drive Parameters
“C” Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
The five input terminals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 can be configured for any of fifteen different
functions. The next two tables show how to configure the five terminals. The inputs are
logical, in that they are either OFF or ON. We define these states as OFF=0, and ON=1.
The inverter comes with default options for the five terminals. These default settings are
initially unique, each one having its own setting. Note that European and US versions
have different default settings. You can use any option on any terminal, and even use the
same option twice to create a logical OR (though usually not required).
NOTE: Terminal 5 has the ability to be a logical input, and to be an analog input for a
thermistor device when the PTC function (option code 19) is assigned to that terminal.
Input Terminal Configuration
Functions and Options –The function codes in the following table let you assign one of
fifteen options to any of the five logic inputs for the L100 inverters. The functions
C01through C05 configure the terminals 1 through 5 respectively. The “value” of these
particular parameters is not a scalar value, but it is a discrete number that selects one
option from two or more available options.
For example, if you set function C01=00, you have assigned option 00 (Forward Run) to
terminal 1. The option codes and the specifics of how each one works are in Chapter 4.
“C” Function
Defaults DOP,DRW,DOP+
Name Description
C01 Terminal 1 function Select function for terminal 1
18 options (see next section)
00 — F34 IN-TM1
C02 Terminal 2 function Select function for terminal 2
18 options (see next section)
01/01 — F34 IN-TM2
C03 Terminal 3 function Select function for terminal 3
18 options (see next section)
02/16 — F34 IN-TM3
C04 Terminal 4 function Select function for terminal 4
18 options (see next section)
03/13 — F34 IN-TM4
C05 Terminal 5 function Select function for terminal 5
19 options (see next section)
18/18 — F34 IN-TM5
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