SJ200 Inverter
Appendix B
Note 1: Assume that the inverter current rating is 1000 (for D002).
The following table lists holding registers for the “D” Group Monitor Functions.
Note 1: Stores new data made by transmission (for Write all memory). For more
information, refer to the Store New Register Data (ENTER command).
Holding Registers, “D” Group Monitor Functions
Name R/W Description
Network Data
Reg. Res.
D081 Trip monitor 1
R Trip monitor 1: factor code 0100h —
R Frequency 0101h 0.1 Hz
R Current 0102h 0.1 %
R Voltage 0103h 0.1 V
R Run time (high) 0104h 1. h
R Run time (low) 0105h
R ON time (high) 0106h 1. h
R ON time (low) 0107h
D082 Trip monitor 2
R Trip monitor 1: factor code 0108h —
R Frequency 0109h 0.1 Hz
R Current 010Ah 0.1 %
R Voltage 010Bh 0.1 V
R Run time (high) 010Ch 1. h
R Run time (low) 010Dh
R ON time (high) 010Eh 1. h
R ON time (low) 010Fh
D083 Trip monitor 3
R Trip monitor 1: factor code 0110h —
R Frequency 0111h 0.1 Hz
R Current 0112h 0.1 %
R Voltage 0113h 0.1 V
R Run time (high) 0114h 1. h
R Run time (low) 0115h
R ON time (high) 0116h 1. h
R ON time (low) 0117h
— Write all memory W Infinite *1 0900h —